Saturday, March 28, 2009

Make Your Own Divination Cards

What you'll need:
  • a pack of index cards
  • a thin point black marker
  • a pencil
  • a pack of colored pencils or markers
This is so easy.

Draw a picture on the blank side of the index card lightly in pencil. Once you are satisfied with your design go back over the outline with the thin black marker and then color it in with your choice of medium.

Write the card name and some keywords on the lined side.

You can base your keywords on traditional card meanings, or the symbolism they evoke within you.

You can stick to the Rider-Waite suit format or you can venture out into categories used by other tarot decks. A favorite site of mine is Aeclectic Tarot, which allows you to browse the art and details of over 1000 different tarot and oracle decks. By browsing through this site you will find cards which may truly represent the spirit of a particular card for you, so that you can borrow some of the imagery so that the deck you create will be one that truly speaks to you.

You do not have to copy their art. But you can pick a few symbols and sketch those out. For those, like me, who are truly artistically challenged please remember that the art can be as basic as you need it to be.

Additionally, your deck can be as small or a large as you need it to be. You can make a deck based on Gods and Goddesses. You can make a deck based on herbs or crystals. You can make a deck based on runes or any other symbols that speak to you.

The possibilities are endless and the supplies are so easily affordable that you don't have to obsess about making mistakes.

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