Friday, March 20, 2009

Cheap Cinnamon Oil

Some of the best spell ingredients are those you make yourself. And, even better they are generally also significantly cheaper than anything you can buy in your local Witchy shop. You can also make as much or as little as you want or need which also helps to keep costs down.

Empty glass jars (2)* - washed and rinsed well
Stick cinnamon - purchase at your local dollar store
canola oil or another light vegetable oil

Fill 1 jar with broken bits of cinnamon sticks. Cover with vegetable oil. Seal jar tightly and shake to allow air bubbles to rise to top.

Allow to steep for at least two weeks, shaking once a day, and then strain oil away from solids into the second jar.

This oil would be wonderful made at the dark moon and allowed to steep for the 2 weeks leading up to a full moon during which you plan a prosperity spell.

If storing the oil for any length of time, pierce a Vitamin E capsule with a sterilized needle and squeeze the contents into the ritual oil blend as a preservative.

  • Be aware that as with any natural substances allergic reactions are always possible, be careful if and when applying any natural substance to your skin
  • Be aware that some herbs are by their very nature potentially irritating, even without an allergy being present
  • Be aware that this recipe is not intended for consumption or ingestion

* used "stage 1" baby food jars are wonderful for making small amounts of ritual oils

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