As we celebrate Easter as a secular holiday in my home Friday will find us dyeing eggs. The nice thing about dyeing eggs for this thrifty pagan is that I can pick up a doxen eggs for less than $1.50 and use food color in my pantry (or buy a PAAS kit for $1) and be ready to go with very little money spent. Even better? Your dyed eggs can be eaten for up to a week after crafting them.
Egg dyeing is a great simple spell. Whether you make your own dye using store bought food coloring or natural ingredients, or even if you simply buy an egg dyeing kit it is a simple matter of matching the color of the egg to the intent of your spell.
Yellow - qualities associated with air, i.e. creativity, communication, learning, studies
Green - qualities associated with earth, i.e. growth, stability, fertility, money
Blue - qualities associated with water, i.e. peace, healing, dreams, emotions
Red - qualities associated with fire, i.e. passion, energy, sex
Purple - qualities associated with spirit, i.e. psychic ability, connection to Divine, divination
You may scribe runes or other symbols on the egg either in a white crayon before placing it in the dye.
When choosing to dye eggs as a spell, work with one color/intent at a time and as as much extra "punch" as your situation and privacy allow.
light a candle in a corresponding color
chant as you work with your eggs