Thursday, April 9, 2009

Corn Necklace for Lammas

The following idea came from Pauline Campanelli's Ancient Ways: Reclaiming Pagan Traditions

What you need:
  • one ear of corn
  • needle
  • thread, 2-3 feet (the sturdier the better)

Remove the husk from the ear of corn and then break it in half.

Start popping whole kernels off one at a time starting at the broken edges.

Thread the kernels one at a time onto the string until you have sufficient length for a necklace.

Tie off and hang to dry for a couple of weeks, out of the reach of small critters.

According to Scott Cunningham's Encyclopedia of Wicca in the Kitchen corn is associated with protection and Zuni folklore associates different colors of corn with the four directions:
  • East - white
  • South - red
  • West - blue
  • North - yellow
If you have access to fresh corn in these colors your Lammas necklace with a little extra punch.


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Dyeing Eggs as a Spell

As we celebrate Easter as a secular holiday in my home Friday will find us dyeing eggs. The nice thing about dyeing eggs for this thrifty pagan is that I can pick up a doxen eggs for less than $1.50 and use food color in my pantry (or buy a PAAS kit for $1) and be ready to go with very little money spent. Even better? Your dyed eggs can be eaten for up to a week after crafting them.

Egg dyeing is a great simple spell. Whether you make your own dye using store bought food coloring or natural ingredients, or even if you simply buy an egg dyeing kit it is a simple matter of matching the color of the egg to the intent of your spell.

Yellow - qualities associated with air, i.e. creativity, communication, learning, studies
Green - qualities associated with earth, i.e. growth, stability, fertility, money
Blue - qualities associated with water, i.e. peace, healing, dreams, emotions
Red - qualities associated with fire, i.e. passion, energy, sex
Purple - qualities associated with spirit, i.e. psychic ability, connection to Divine, divination

You may scribe runes or other symbols on the egg either in a white crayon before placing it in the dye.

When choosing to dye eggs as a spell, work with one color/intent at a time and as as much extra "punch" as your situation and privacy allow.


light a candle in a corresponding color
chant as you work with your eggs

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Make a Free Magical Collage

Thanks to Domestic Witch I discovered a new site called Polyvore that allows you to make collages. And while the imagery draws mainly from that of clothing and other accessories it is possible to make a collage from a wide variety of themes - including Witchcraft.

This is a nice way to create images you can use as focal points in meditation or spellwork without having to pay anything at all (unless you plan to print the image)
